2011年10月14日 星期五


There's a reason all those old men wear 藍白拖. It’s not because they’re poor or have a poor fashion sense. Every time you find a pair of sandals that you like, even if you buy two or three or four pairs, you can sure as hell bet that whenever you do wear them out (a mere matter of time), you’ll never find them or anything close to them ever again. You’ll be stuck with crappy ones that you’ll go through till you find a new one after 4 or 5 tries that isn’t as good as the old ones. I guess everyone is always finding ways to innovate and avoid commodification. Even of 3 dollar sandals.

I’d have to say the biggest thing that stays with me is that I never ever recall seeing women wear heels on crappy motorcycles (scooters are the netbooks of motorcycles) in America. A place about a half-inch away from having a female president. That’s what I call diglossia.

